Anyone Wants To Kick E'Dawn's Ass For Me?
In Pentagon, my biases are Wooseok and Yanan. When E'Dawn's dating news broke out, I hated that it harmed the team so I wanted to unstan him. BUT Yanan posted on his personal account that Pentagon is ten, And Kino teared up at a fansign while talking about the time they spent at the dorm as 10 people, I thought about that and and thought Pentagon was really supposed to be 10. And today, The kid who doesn't post anything on SNS often, posted a photo of 10 people and left 10 heart signs. I realize that the members are missing the time they were still 10, and still want to continue with 10 people, so I wished E'Dawn could return to us. Huh. Seriously... Should I just kill him..? How-ever. Today, right on Pentagon's 2-year anniversary! Why did it have to be TODAY!!!! This as*hole and his girlfriend HyunA posted dating photos?^^ Doesn't matter if E'Dawn posted them or HyunA did, seems like they were laughing among themselves w...